Haub + Schöllnhammer has delivered over 170,000 BZ cyclone separators as liquid and solid separators, as well as a large number of other chemical equipment construction products in accordance with a wide range of national and international regulations and approval bodies worldwide.
Quality as a common thread for constant improvement and further development is the focus at Haub + Schöllnhammer. This consistent approach is documented, among other things, by certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 and the manufacturing approvals from international approval bodies.
Manufacturing/delivery options for fuel cell separators and equipment by Haub + Schöllnhammer
Production according to other specifications on request.
AD2000/PED 2014/68/EU
TÜV Nord
Rules and regulations for the classification of ships
Lloyd’s Register
Rules for classification of ships
Det Norske Veritas
GL-classification and building regulations
Germanischer Lloyd
Lloyd’s Register
TÜV Nord
ASME Code incl. U-Stamp
TÜV oder LRS
American Bureau of Shipping
China Classification Society
EAC mit AD2000/PED 2014/68 oder ASMEVIII/PED2014/68
TÜV Thüringen/TÜV Nord